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Thanksgiving will be here before you know it, and that means that it’s time for some FREE printable Thanksgiving coloring pages! I’ve added a couple pages that you can download in the resource library.

They are perfect for both kids and adults to relax your mind! Did you know that coloring has been proven to help people lower stress and anxiety, increase focus, and promote mindfulness? I really like fancy ones like this. I can get lost in coloring pages like that.
So, on Thanksgiving when you have been standing in the kitchen going on 5 hours, breaking your back and the kids are asking for the billionth time when the feast is going to be ready….go ahead and sit down and start coloring one of these Thanksgiving coloring pages and think about all those little blessings…..baahahaha!
Head on over to the resource library and print a couple for yourself….or the kids!

Hey, and while your printing stuff off – I’ve got a cute Thankful banner over here if want to make some last minute Thanksgiving decoration!