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So this year has been weird, I know.
We started the school year off like we all normally do taking the memorable first day of school pictures with no clue of what the future had in store.
Just because the kids aren’t in traditional school doesn’t mean we don’t need the last day of school pictures, right?! If anything, I think it’s more important to document this historical pandemic and how it affected the world!
Who would have ever thought that with the snap of a finger we’d all be e-learning at home?
I made the original last day of school printable sign when I made the first day of school sign, last year. I’ll share that one but I also made a sign with a nod to Covid19, distance learning and the quarantine.
They are both an 8×10 pdf file and I like printing this kind of file on a thicker paper like card stock. This is a popular one I always have on hand because of the amount of ink. This copy paper will curl and not look good.
Here is the original:

And here are the signs I made with the wording to reflect the times 🙂

Psssst……you should pin this post so you don’t forget it!